Saturday, July 16, 2011

Criteria for a wife.

I have decided that Lucas is plenty old enough to have an area to be responsible for, a jurisdiction if you will. His responsibility is to make sure the table is cleaned off and wiped after each meal.
He isn't particularly happy with this new arrangement, trying to reason his way out of it. "Why mom?" he asked in a whiny voice.
"Well son, I don't want you to grow up thinking having a messy table is normal." I replied. "Well, when I grow up," he said in a huffy voice, "I'm going to ask the ladies whether their mommies kept clean tables or not. I'm going to pick one who kept a messy table so I won't HAVE to clean it!"


Tiffany said...

Love it....he's really smart!


Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see if you change your mind when you grow up, Lucas! Love, Grandma Melody