Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Sand Box.

She much prefers to stand next to the sand box and play rather than sitting in it.

"If you're happy and you know it touch your head..."

Our family project has been building a humongous sand box. I've been telling Rick for over a year that I really wanted one. Well, it's finally a reality, 4 -12x10 and 3 cubic feet of sand later.
Tuesday night we all worked together holding boards and handing daddy screws.
Wednesday the kids and I walked to K-mart to buy gardening fabric to lay along the bottom. Then when daddy got home we all worked together to transport the dump truck load to the back yard.
Rick manned the wheel barrow. I was in charge to the rake spreading it in the sand box. Lucas used his dump truck.
Abrianna loaded the container on the back of her tricycle.
Abigayle took the cake, as she patiently worked filling a broken plastic dollar store bucket with sand. She's grunt as she trudged from the carport to the backyard leaving a trail behind her. But she continued working for the entire hour and a half we were out there.
Local friends are invited to come and play.