Monday, November 2, 2009

My Big Girl!

Yesterday, Abrianna told me she was "pooping." I asked her if she wanted to go on the potty. So out came Lucas little potty chair. Down she sat and promptly peed. On went her diaper. I caught her several minutes later squatting and pooping. I asked if she wanted to do that on the potty. Yes! So she held the rest in and finished her business in the proper area. She went 4 times in a row yesterday before becoming tired of it.
Then we had an accident on the floor. That's okay. She is only 18 months old.
This morning, noticing she was dry, I asked her if she wanted candy and put her on the potty. Yep. What a food motivated little girl. We're 3 for 3 so far this morning. She really likes Skittles and is trying to go so she can have more.
I don't know if this is the real thing or if she'll lose interest but I'm enjoying the lack of diaper changes.


Laura said...

I'm amazed. Hope things continue so well. She gets everything done early.

Anonymous said...

My goodness! Cool stuff! She is growing up soooo fast!
When Nat was about that age he came to me, took my hand, led me to a closet, pointed a chubby little finger into the dark space and emphatically declared, "Gross!"
My nose and a flashlight revealed that he had relieved himself in the closet. We began potty training that day. He thought it was a wonderful game.
Excuse the naustalga(sp) but your stories bring back memories. ac