My precious baby is one month old. Here are some of the highlights of the past month.
1. 2 weeks old and smiling at me! We had fun conversing during the sermon last week exchanging smiles. - made me all teary eyed. I've also learned that talking really high pitched elicits even more smiles.
2. Snuggling her soft cuddly body close on my chest as we sleep or holding her snuggly in the moby wrap. I don't want to put her down.
3. The way her older brother and sister adore her requesting to hold her- guess that means I have to share her.
4. Abrianna sharing toys with her. In fact, she insists on leaving her toys sitting atop Abigayle becoming upset if I try to move them.
5. Her baby coos and goos- some sounding like she's saying, "Hi".
6. Nuzzling and smothering her soft cheeks with kisses.
7. Nursing her in the backyard in the sunshine while watching the older two playing.
I'm very thankful for this precious addition. Thank YOU GOD!
Thanks for sharing the things you love Rachel. It brings back tender memories. ac
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