Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Zookeeper.

 The garden was beckoning with the weather promising spring as the girls and I ventured out to hide beet, parsnip,and carrots seeds in the soil in hopes of a rich harvest in a few months. The reckless strawberries had burst forth from their beds, needing to be tucked back in to their place. Every hole dug, abounded with worms.My bug leery little red-head, picked up one, declaring it a girl worm and christening it 'Abrianna.' - after herself.
'Abrianna worm's' first home was a little discarded plastic lid discovered in the yard. This was soon abandoned for half a walnut shell.
Meanwhile the chicken pecked in the dirt searching for a stray worm or bug. " Abrianna you need to cover your worm with dirt before she dries out." I cautioned. A few minutes later, " You can't leave your worm there. The chicken will eat it." This sent Abrianna scurrying to the dog cage, worm shell in hand. Carefully deposting it in the wire mesh cage she closed the door. "Now the chicken can't get it." She declared.
Heading into the house about a half an hour later, she hurried to collect her precious 'Abrianna worm'. Bursting into tears, she wailed, " She's GONE!" 'Abrianna worm' had made her successful escape, wriggling away into the layers of cardboard or maybe the near by flower bed, never to be seen again.
Trying to ease her broken heart, I promised we'd find another worm the next time we gardened.  To this she declared she would then be a, "zookeeper of worms."


Anonymous said...

Zookeeper of worms! Glad to see she's getting over her phobia of crawlies!

Rachel, you wrote this post REALLY well! I'm impressed!

Love you,

Lisa said...

lol!! precious little zookeeper!