Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Never trust a strange dog.

We arrived Friday evening to visit my in-laws in Goldendale to see their new property and explore the possibility of relocating there ourselves.
An older Australian Shepherd belonging to the neighbor was nosing around when we arrived. He seemed harmless enough, until... About a half an hour later Emmy walked by him. He lunged at her biting her head and knocking her to the ground. I heard my father-in-law shouting as he kicked the dog away.
I started yelling as I ran to scoop my screaming two year old off the ground to see how badly she was hurt.Blood streamed down the side of her face from a tooth puncture. Hollering for Rick, I ran into the mobile home and began to rinse out the wound.
Because it was deep we decided to take her into to ER ( it was after hours) for a tetanus shot and to report the incidence to the police.She had an odd pattern of swelling on her head from the dogs teeth scraping across her temple. A scratch ran along the top of her scalp. (Thank God the dog hadn't bitten down harder.)
Goldendale is a small community and I believe every employee in the ER came in to talk to her and ask questions.
The Sheriff and his deputy arrived and took a report. Emmy was so brave. The shot didn't even faze her. But she cried when the syringe was used to irrigate the wound. After antibiotic ointment was applied the doctor explained why he felt it was best to leave the wound open and uncovered. It continued to ooze blood and swell for the rest of the evening.
She was back to her normal self the next day other than guarding the area from bumps and pressure.
I am beyond grateful that it was no worse and she doesn't seem to be afraid of dogs after this.
Though I do believe that maybe she "gets it" why mommy is always insisting they not run up to strange dogs or put her face in theirs.