Wednesday, August 15, 2007

By Auntie Jenilyn's Request....

Words, words, and more words! Lucas is saying so many new things. He wanted to me to take his sippy cup lid out of his drum. I said say "please mama" so he said, "peas" and then I said mama. He said "mommy".
When its time to go to bed. He'll sing song, "nigh nigh!"
He says please when he wants something. He knows that its a "magic" word.
He says, "daddy daddy" whenever he sees motorcycles or bicycles. He associates both with Rick.
Last night he was saying baby.
He will sign, nurse, more, and all done.
When he sees his friend Jaden. He gets very excited and hurries towards him calling his name.
He will bark for the dog and meow for the cat.
He jabbers a lot. Then he pauses for me or his daddy to answer. Then he jabbers more.
( There you go Jenilyn. This is what is new now)


Anonymous said...

AWE!!!!!! BABY LUCAS!!!!!!!! I could use a baby hug right now.

Thanks for posting that! That was the sweetest thing ever! You definitely need to be video'ing him now saying all this stuff, because when he gets to be OUR age, we can pull them out and have good memories and good laughs. Yes?!

Anonymous said...

How exciting that Lucas is talking so much! I'll have to see if I can get him to talk to me on the phone. Love, Grandma Melody

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Rachel.Jen gave me your blog address again. I had lost all of my favorites when my computer had to be fixed.
I am so glad that you are writing down the things Lucas says. You think that you will remember but you will forget and wish that you had it down somewhere.
Jen's idea of a video of his voice is a good one I think.
Sir Lafalot