Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Here I am with Daddy. On the first day or Tabernacles we made a trek to the mountains to choose and cut a Tabernacles tree.
You can see that Daddy doesn't believe in an old fashioned ax or saw. We got to use the chainsaw!

Here I am with Mommy on the second holiday of Tabernacles. I'm opening some puzzles that are meant for little people like me!

I have a vocabulary of at least 20 different words now. Average for 18 months is 8-10 words. I'll be 17 months this week. I have 11 teeth now. I'm working on my last 1 year old molar. Its almost there. I've learned the word NO recently. At least it wasn't my first word!
Mom is really working on manners with me. I don't throw my food on the floor anymore. I also say please ( peas) and thank you (ank oo). I don't think any of my friends use those words.