Abrianna took a nap tightly swaddled in a blanket on my bed. Lucas came running out to tell me "sis'er awake! You go get her mom!". She was awake, happily entertaining herself on the bed eating a roll of toilet paper she'd found.
She looked at me with the t.p. protruding from her mouth as if to say, "what mom?"
Lucas wanted in on the picture action too. Into his mouth went a car, and he scooted in front of the camera.
He's certainly not camera shy!
ok, so I've become convicted by your method of child raising and the germ theory. Let the lil' suckers put whatever in their mouth as long as they don't choke, since dirt, eating off the floor, dog hair, etc. will hopefully make their immune systems stronger and decrease the likelihood of allergies later on!
Go TP!
And kudos to the little lady for keeping herself busy and entertained!
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