Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Sabbath in Nature

Sabbath... Ahh a brief respite from this very busy week. Feels like I've running like a chicken with her head cut off.
Last weekend was spent white water rafting with family at Smith Ferry ID. So chores that normally are done on Sunday were pushed into Monday and so the week went.
This weekend was the church camp out. I didn't feel as if I could cram one more thing in before leaving for Minnesota with my children on Tuesday. So we opted to stay home and take it easy. I packed us a picnic lunch and we headed out to South Fork/ Harris Park.
It was a cool day for August. I don't believe the temperature ever reached 70 or that the sun made an appearance- hence the jackets.
After eating lentil pilaf with baked potato followed by apples for dessert my little ones were air soft pellet hunting. I think they both had about 5 pellets by the time they were done.
Harris Park has a nice playground set; swings, slides, and sand!
We walked for about 45 min. on the trail at South Fork, finally coming to a stop at the burnt cabin. There my older two entertained themselves throwing rocks in the river, stepping from rock to rock and turning croc shoes into boats.
Rick and I had a chance for some good deep conversation. That in and of itself can be a rarity. I'm happy to feel like were more on the same page. Sometimes for us that can get lost in the sheer busyness of life.
I feel much better grounded and able to attack the next thing... Looking at 6 places in Tri-cities tomorrow. Praying that what needs to happen will happen.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful Sabbath all the way around.
By the way, what is "air soft pellet hunting"? And what in the world are "air soft pellets"? Sounds like an oximoron (sp.?).
Goodness, your little chicklets are growing. ac

Leilani said...

Those little faces are absolutely adorable. So much joy for you to spend the days with those kiddies!