She has changed so much in the past month. When I hold her close to me, she reaches out both little hands to grasp my face. Big brother and sister are a constant source on entertainment. Abrianna insists on holding her hand quite often. It's okay in the car. Not so great when she's trying to nurse and go to sleep and big sister pulls her hand away or puts her hand over Abigayle's face. I'm happy Abrianna loves her so much.
She is adept at rolling all over. Now she peddles her little legs under her and pushes forward. If she continues at her current speed she will soon be at least commando crawling. Amazing. I thought that third borns would be happy to just set back and watch the world go by. Not my kids.
We invested in a new piece of baby furniture per Rick's request. We now own a bumbo seat. Amazing once again. I wish I'd gotten one when Lucas was a baby. Abigayle can sit in it while were eating at the table or sit on the counter while I'm cooking and cleaning. She's very happy to be in it and watch the goings on. Very grateful for that. I can get a things done a little easier now.
We've officially begun the teething process with increased drooling, chewing and crankiness. I hope it goes quickly.
Need to get going with my morning. MOPS is having a potluck breakfast and my food still needs to be fixed.
I am glad that you got the little seat for her. Emma used hers for quite a while and loved it. Amy and Nat liked it because she could be in on what was going on but still allow them to get things done.
Before Emma could roll over we would lay her in the middle of the dining room table, center piece fashion, while we ate so that we could watch her and she could be in the center of going's on. Our little living center piece. :) ac
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