Thursday, December 24, 2009

Scoopin' Poo

FYI, This may be too much information for some of my friends. But the story was simply too funny not to share.
My parents are blessed to have a fully producing tangerine tree in their yard. Lucas loves to pick, eat and share them.
Abrianna loves to eat them, always begging for "mora, mora!" when anyone else is eating them. Eaten in such large quantities, they have a rather cleansing effect for little ones in diapers.
Keeping that in mind...
Last night, we had a homemade corn dog feed. It had been a long day for me. I'd gone to town, for a walk, and done two hours of massage. I was tired I didn't feel like I could even lift my legs.
What happened next, usurped the tiredness.
Mitchell ( my 12 year old little brother) was lounging on a reclining/rocking floor chair. Abrianna nonchalantly walked, up to him and began scooping the contents of her diaper out and dropping it on his reclined body. Horrified, he sat there open-mouthed, not believing what was happening nor having the presence of mind to stop her.
I was in the kitchen, not knowing what had transpired other than hearing the room erupt into laughter and Mitch's horrified cries. Rick yelled, "Rachel! we need you!"
There was Abrianna, poo up her back, down the outside of her pants, in fact all the way onto her shoes.
Mitch lay gagging still on the chair decorated in her poo. My mom led him away to one bathroom, while I scooped up my disgusting daughter and headed to other. Both kids were given baths while their clothes went directly into the washing machine.
After having scrubbed her up. She sat in the tub, noticing a tiny piece of something black floating in the tub ( no it wasn't poo) she erupted once again into terrified cries and tried to climb up me to get out of the tub and away from that "bug".
Rick got to dress her, while I finished the bath with big brother. All 's well that end's well.


Anonymous said...

What an absolute hoot! I love it! Bet your little brother won't soon forget that. ha ha ha ac

RaeAnn said...

That is such a crack-up. Oh the horror!

Anonymous said...

What a funny story! Love, Grandma Melody