Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Barber.

Before daddy's buzz cut.

The scenario is as follows. I'm cutting Rick's hair. Lucas says, " momma, may I trim my neck?" "No Lucas. You can't see you neck to trim it. Hold still I'll trim it with the razor." A few minutes later," I'm gonna trim my bangs." I turn to Rick and ask, "Is this worth a fight?" "Nope," he replies. " let him do it." So several hacks later, we decide that reality discipline would be to shave his head. Oh, he didn't NOT want that done. It took awhile to get him to sit on the chair for the deed to be done.
After the buzzing was completed, he ran the the bedroom to see the finished product in the mirror. Oh the wails! Rick and I ( shame on us) couldn't help from laughing. Well.... If you're gonna make a mess out of your hair there is consequences son. 

After the buzz cut.


Anonymous said...

Yup, reality is a good teacher.
When Ben was little he wanted a skin head cut (I have no clue where that idea came from but...) and I kept putting him off. This lasted for a few weeks and I decided that since it was not a moral issue I would do it.
Part way through the "skinning" he asked to see himself in the hand mirror. He was only partly "skinned" and the sight was shocking. He began to wail, "Mama, why didn't you tell me I couldn't do it!"
By the time I finished we are both crying. After I finished he asked me to go into the bathroom with him to look in the big mirror. I asked him why he wanted me to go in with him and he wailed, "Because, I'm scaaaard!" When he saw his shorn head he collapsed into my arms and wailed,"Mama, why didn't you say no?"
An hour later,I went into his room and found him asleep on the floor with his head completely covered with a blanket. Poor child. He wore a baseball cop for weeks.

Anonymous said...

Well Lucas, you're pretty cute even with your head shorn. But, I thought you wanted to be like Uncle Reggie! Love, Grandma Melody