Thursday, June 2, 2011

She wet her dress....

In the massage room working on a client ( minus a babysitter) I hear Abrianna burst into tears. Upon emerging 10 minutes later, I am met by a girl in a clean dress, and a boy with an impish grin. "Abrianna wet her dress," he declares. Hmmm.... Not anything unusual. Then he says, " actually.... I had to go to the bathroom and I couldn't make it... So I peed on her dress and the blanket on the floor."
I am speechless. How do I deal with such a boyish stunt?
 I ask, "what do you think I should do to you?"  "Smash my Lego castle," he declares.
I don't think this is sufficient.
Rick walks in the door and I relay the story to him. He walks Lucas to his bedroom for some stiffer discipline. What would you do?


Leilani said...

throw up my hands in despair and hope it never happens again?? :) oh, man...

Lisa said...

oh my!!!! Don't you love those moments when they tattle on themselves JUST to see your reaction?! Oh, gotta love those growing moments, 'cause FOR SURE it's Mommy that's growing her patience! lol.