Rick's Grandma Fisher has never met Abrianna.
Last June she was planning to come and meet her, but while at the store buying Abrianna a present, she slipped on a wet spot in the bathroom and fell breaking her knee- badly enough she had to have surgery to repair it.
So this weekend we trekked north to her beautiful home in the country to give both her and her great grandkids an opportunity to get aquanted.
We were welcomed with a good home cooked supper of lasagna, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, bread, homemade raspberry jam, and juice topped off with apple-raspberry cobbler and vanilla ice cream. Out tummies were ready to burst with the bounty of it all.
The idea was to sleep in a bit Sabbath morning. That was NOT to happen. Grammie has an exhuberant 1/2 black lab 1/2 pitbull dog named Sammy. Needless to say, my children didn't appreciate him. How would YOU like to have a dog, big enough to look you in the eye, licking you in the face and jumping on you?
Rick had slipped out of bed to the bathroom just before 6:00 AM leaving the door ajar. Lucas popped awake and started chattering. Sammy, hearing Lucas, bounded up the stairs, through the door, and began smothering my terrified child in doggy kisses. His shrieks awoke the entire household! I shooed Sammy out but Lucas never did go back to sleep. My attempts at keeping his chattering quiet failed miserably. I gave up and finally took a book and both my my blessings down the stairs to read in the living room and let daddy sleep.
Grammie thrilled Lucas by taking him out to feed the horses and on a walk with the infamous Sammy. Lucas had reconciled himself to the fact that Sammy just licks people in the face upon returning. At least the terrified screams stopped.
After Sabbath School, Church, and Potluck we returned home. Grammie had gifts for both kids. Lucas received an age appropriate foam bat and ball set. He had more fun hitting the ball like you would a golf club. Rick did get him to pose "correctly" for this shot.
Abrianna amused herself by toddling about the yard picking dandelions and trying to get into the slimy pond ( there was a dead rat floating in it, gross!). I wasn't paying attention and she got a hold of a daffodile too.
The rest of the days activites included horse riding and a walk. All in all a beautiful day.
Sunday morning, the plan was to try to be back in Spokane in time to watch Reggie and Andrea cross the finish line. Didn't happen. We couldn't find parking so we simply headed home.
The rest of the day, I spent trying to finish the housework I'd left on Friday to be able to get up to Grammies at a decent time. Pretty much was able to too.
Poor woman, falling down and breaking her knee! I can sure relate to that! Looks like you guys had a good time. I want to see a pic of the infamous Sammy LOL
Sounds like you had a very nice trip!
Wow, its crazy seeing the kids ride the same horses Rick, Reg, and I rode when we were that age!!! There's pictures around of us kids with the horses. I believe Star is older than me!!
Grandma is notorious for being the best hostess ever, and the best cook, to boot! Glad to hear you guys had some fun catching up time with her.
Now, we should plan vacation to Grandma's cabin in Montana for August, after I get out of summer school!!
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