Friday, July 17, 2009

Little things

Do you know when you've spent too much time at the computer?? It's when your adorable 15 month old toddler with the broken arm reaches up and repeatedly pulls your hand off the mouse to get your attention. Sweet and Sad.
I need to treasure the here and now instead of wishing to have more intellectual stimulation via my online friends. Actually, come to think of it, instant messaging doesn't stimulate my brain that much. It's the social interaction I crave.
Other new things this week. When I'm nursing, singing, and rocking Abrianna to sleep, she'll reach up her small hand and either ask or tell me all the parts of my face, including cheeks and chin, teeth and tongue.
When I sing to her, she'll try to sing along. Its so sweet. The sweetness gets lost in the longness though. When it takes up to 45 minutes for her to settle down and go to sleep, I get frustrated.

I'm considering training her to stay put when I lay her down. The idea being that she'll learn to go to sleep on her own when the need arises. I think that would be an important step before having another little one of my own.
When we're in Minnesota in a couple of weeks would be the ideal time. I won't have the responsibility of Josephine. No interruptions. We'll see...
I'll try to remember to update you on that process as we progress.
Happy Sabbath!


Anonymous said...

Yes, sweet and sad. I remember Ben needing to get my attention taking my face in both his little hands and turning it toward him. It broke my heart to think that is what he had to do to get my attention. ac