Sunday, May 1, 2011

Suds and Sobs

I'm walking down the hall past the bathroom. Muffled sobs spill from the bathroom as the door knob rattles. I get down on her level and turn the knob. A teary face appears unseeing, as little hands scrub at soap suds in her eyes.
I scoop up the sobbing body, and set her in the bathtub starting the water and reaching for a bowl to rinse away the suds. Sobs turn into piercing shrieks as the water makes contact with her face. Several minutes later, the task completed I lift her out of the tub wrapping her in a towel.
"Abrianna don't you know you're not supposed to play with Abigayle's soap?" Through shuddering sobs, " I didn't' play with her soap. I was washing my hair!"
 Little miss capability has learned even tear-free shampoo isn't safe to handle by yourself.-too much of a good thing still produces bad results.