When Lucas was about 22 months of age, we bought him his skuut bike. This quickly became his motorcycle and favorite mode of transportation on walks. He could balance and glide so well after about a week of practice.
About a month ago, we decided that Lucas could exclusively use his bicycle and that Abrianna might enjoy the skuut bike. I was wrong. She was afraid of the thing. But today we thought we'd give it another try, taking both of our children to Fort Walla Walla after lunch for some practice. Lucas loves the BMX track and the skate park. Such a variety over the same old boring trail or driveway at home.
At first, Abrianna really struggle to even keep the bike upright and her hands positioned correctly on the handle grips. Then she went from being afraid of the thing to thinking she should be allowed on the track and the skate park.
After about an hour, we came home and put our children to bed. Abrianna had a 2 hour nap! Wonderful. Surprisingly Lucas just rested, never slept. I really expected him to sleep after all the physical exertion at the track.
We had breakfast for supper- waffles, applesauce, and fried potatoes. Then out for another family walk this time on the trail.
Abrianna is such a girl! She had to keep watching the scenery and stopping the bike to pick up rocks or flowers. Finally I insisted she either keep going while riding or ride in the stroller. We let her ride the bike about a half mile. She did great. No more difficulty holding it upright. In fact, now she can get it up by herself if it tips over.
She was keenly disappointed when we insisted she have to ride in the stroller on the return trip. I'm hoping by the time Abigayle makes her appearance in about 6 weeks that I can simply put her in my Moby Wrap and let my older two ride their bikes!
That would be awesome!! Good job A!
wow....these two look like they are having a good time. Reminded me of my good ol days when I was a kid !
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