Hello All,
My baby doll has reached her 9 month well baby check mile stone. She weighs 17 lbs 11 oz ( 28 %). She is 27 3/4 inches tall ( 58%) with a 17.9 inch head ( 88%).
Dr. Wren is happy with her size and progress. Her last month has seen many changes. For New Years she got her third tooth followed 15 days later by her fourth tooth. She is working on three more- poor girl.
Dr. Wren she's exploring her environment by putting things into her mouth. I don't remember Lucas choking and throwing up like she does. But then again, he didn't have a 2 year old brother to add to the number of chokable things available :-)
She has learned to clap her hands. She does it randomly sometimes. At others, she claps while we are singing or she sees us clapping.
Waving bye bye is another thing she learned this month. She can now balance for short periods of time while standing. She crawls up on the trampoline anytime I'm using. She still loves to be with mommy. The anxiety is decreasing when I'm not with her though. If I leave without her seeing, she'll play happily. If she sees me leave... Watch out! Wails immediately follow!
Since coming home from California she has turned into a little explorer. I've lost her a couple of times. When I call her she'll come crawling back to where she can see me as if to ask, "What mom?" The exploration is necessitating trash cans being put up, bathroom doors being closed and toilet seats being put down. She finds great delight in playing with the toilet bowl brushes ( EWWWW!)
She can blow air out of her mouth. She seems to enjoy doing that more when eating in her high chair. Did you know a nine-month old can project food a foot or more straight out of her mouth? I didn't know that. Lucas never discovered this. I tried to video that yesterday. I will be posting a video of blowing but no food :-( I'll try to catch that on video in the future.
Along with asserting her independence comes wanting her space at night. Lucas would cuddle close all night. He still would if I let him :) Abrianna on a nightly basis will roll onto her back and scoot up between the pillows or with her head on my pillow and sleep.
It's amazing to see her personality emerge. She's a very strong go getter with a lot of energy. The nurse yesterday couldn't believe how strong she was while we were measuring. She didn't want her legs held down. This determined little miss, like to steal brothers toys if he's not paying attention or has just left them. She screams if he comes too close to the toys she is playing with.
She is also like her Aunties Alyssa and Jen, being a night owl. The later the evening gets the more wound up she becomes. Her happiest times of day are in the evenings.
Well, I'll end my ramblings and hope all of you have a wonderful day!
I bet the reason she's protective of her toys and screams when Lucas comes near is because HE steals them in the FIRST PLACE! Ha! I've seen the little chump do it, too. Us youngest ones must Stick It to the older ones!!! HA!
I loved your long update--it is good to see how she is doing! Thanks, Rachie!
I was delighted to read the update that you posted Rachel. How fast the little miss is changing and growing! ac
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