These are the only pictures I took. Too bad, as we did more than attempt to sleep. Notice Abrianna voicing her opinion of the situation as Daddy plugs his ears.
The highlights for each of us was...
Rick- drumming at the meetings and visiting .
Lucas- playing outdoors- especially with the Allen girls.
Abrianna- trying to sleep and eat in the cabin.
Me- being out of the house and visiting my family and friends.
Lucas slept well. Sabbath morning he crawled into bed with me.I didn't mind. He had a painful surprise. The mattresses extend beyond the bed frame. Unfortunately, the edge gave way and dumped him on his head. I grabbed his foot trying to stop him. It didn't work. He's too tall or the bed was too short.
Sweet bliss of mommy's arms.
Haha, Rick looks messed up in that picture!!!! I'm tempted to say poor boy, but I know the alternative is you taking care of the squeeling chump!!!
hmm... Rick's plugging his ears, who's the bigger baby?
Ingrid :)
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