It's 7:30. Time to get my children bathed, dressed, and into bed. I encouraged Lucas to continue playing with his train track while I bathed baby sister. Well, all was going smoothly. Then, while I was getting Abrianna diapered and soothed ( diaper rash was stinging), I told Lucas to get undressed for his bath.
He went into the bathroom. I thought he may have climbed into the tub- but was hoping he hadn't.
This picture met my amused/annoyed gaze. There was my son in all his glory. Missing one shoe and sock- the other shoe sopping wet in hand. He declared he'd "pooped". Oh no! Yuck!
First things first. Abrianna was only diapered- not dressed. I proceeded to dress her and put her in the exersaucer, hopefully to remain happily occupied while I went to take care of "the mess".
About that time, I hear Lucas declaring he had to pee. Knowing that he'd mount the toilet -facing the tank -in the bigger bathroom after shedding his clothes... I ran to the bathroom. He as already merrily squatting and peeing.
I picked up his shorts and underwear. Low and behold the "poop" was simply a wet bottom from sitting or squatting too low in the tub. Thank you Lord!
Bath time finished without another hitch.
Phew! Disaster averted! :)
hahahaha! i love these story posts you put on here! thanks so much for sharing the babies with the rest of us who can't love them back!
What a hoot! I agree with Jen. I love the stories. Thanks for sharing. SL
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