Thursday, January 28, 2010


It's so nice to see compassion in a little one. Abrianna was in tears last night because she thought I was in great pain.
Towards the end of each of my pregnancies I develop badly chapped lips- regardless of the amount of water I drink.
While reading bedtime stories last night, Abrianna saw my lip and began crying, "oh NO! oh NO!" Then she leaned forward and placed several kisses on my chapped lip. It was so sweet.
She did the same thing when she found a scab on my arm yesterday. I hope that compassion will continue as she grows older.


Anonymous said...

that is sweet! although from one bleeding heart to another (Abrianna, not you, lol!), you need to watch her emotions and help her mature them into what is productive emotions rather than debilitating emotions. I used to get so overwhelmed with hurt that it was paralyzing to many an extent, until I felt so blown over with emotions I had to learn to control them and learn when to unleash them and when to quell them.

I wish I had had a little more guidance in my emotional ups and downs, and would advise others to watch their little ones and help them be emotionally mature and not emotionally controlled.

Not exactly sure how to help guide little ones, but definitely something to watch out for!


Anonymous said...

Precious little one. I am glad that you want to nurture that compassion in her. It is a good and God given attribute that can be directed to do much good. sl