We finally did it. We bought a trampoline. I grew up using one and really have wanted my kids to have one for the past several years.
Abrianna seated herself with a grin, on one of the balls that came with the tramp, and proceeded to bounce up and down. I wished I'd had my camera outside to take a video. It was priceless.
This is an awesome way to entertain all three kids. I hold a giggling laughing Jojo and gently walk/bounce, Abrianna runs and face plants, and Lucas bounces all over the place.
I was enjoying it. Didn't realize I'd worked up a sweat until we came back into the house. It was FUN exercise. Maybe I can burn off some more of those post pregnancy pounds. We'll see.
In addition to being great entertainment and exercise, in Kay Kuzma's book "The First 7 Years" she says, that one of the best ways to encourage a higher IQ in your child is... jumping on a trampoline. Supposedly, the more they use their big muscles/gross motor skills the better their brains develop.
All and all I believe this is a great investment. I'm hoping to have some play groups here so we can share our fun. Even the adults can get in to it with a giant hoppity hop ball ( remember those?)
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