Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thank God!

I just arrived home from book club. Rick relayed an earlier experience. Being a responsible daddy, he had given the kids their nightly bathes.
Rather than the normal 2-3 inches deep, the tub was 7 or 8 inches tonight. (Rick's always given me a hard time about how little water I use. Why are you stingy?? ( my wording) I have my reasons. If somebody tips over they aren't as likely to choke.)
Rick left the bathroom for just a minute. Suddenly Lucas screamed. As Rick rushed back in the bathroom, it was to discover Abrianna flat on her back, submerged in the water, fighting and struggling to sit up.He quickly pulled her out and smacked her on the back. She squalled.
Rick told me that Lucas had the presence of mind to pull the plug right away. What could have ended in tragedy was instead subverted. Thank GOD!
Thank you GOD!!


Shana said...

Very scary, I am so glad she's ok

Anonymous said...

Tell Rick this is a message from his Mom. NEVER EVER leave your kids unattended in the bathtub--even for a minute!!!

Anonymous said...

What a smart boy Lucas was to scream and pull the plug! Maybe he's headed for being an EMT. He did the exact right thing!!! Pretty good for a three year old. Love, Grandma Melody

Anonymous said...

WOW. I'm back-logged on your blog, so just now catching up! I'm so glad Lucas was smart enough to scream and pull the plug! That is soooo scary!!!


Anonymous said...

I just read this post again, and my heart just chills at the thought of her struggling in the water, face-up, unable to breathe.


~Scared Auntie Jen