Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Wheels are Turning...

Several days ago, we were enjoying a warm late spring day, watching our chicks ( would they still be considered that? They've lost all their fluffy down) peck around the grape vines. The vines must give them a false sense of security and protection.
I looked up from my book when I heard a chicken start making a racket.
There stood Abrianna, as big as life, clutching tightly to a chick's tail feathers. The chick who was upside down loudly protested it's current place in life. Amazingly, Abrianna just stood there, chick held at arms length with a deadpan look on her face. Didn't faze her a bit.
Several minutes later, the squawking started again. She'd caught another one. This time it wasn't in the bushes. Either she's good at it, or the chicks aren't intimidated by one so small.

Today, Lucas was using the bathroom loudly protesting Abrianna's offers of help with the toilet paper. "NO BABY!!" he hollered.
I herded her out of the bathroom. "When you get bigger, you won't have to wear diapers anymore and you can use the potty too." I explained, returning to my work in the kitchen. Several seconds later, I glanced down to see me daughter had taken off her cloth diaper ( no small feat. Those snaps are hard to undo). She looked at me as if to say, "well, let's get on with it!"
I pulled the potty chair out. She enjoyed sitting on it. Never did do anything in it, or on the floor for that matter- thankfully. She knows it's hers. She complains vigorously whenever Lucas takes it away or moves it.
I'm always amazed at how those wheels turn in little peoples brains.


Leilani said...

The chicken story is so funny. My grandma just told me over the last few weeks a story about her little brother who came in so proud he'd finally caught a chick. In his enthusiasm, he was gripping it tightly around the neck. If you get my drift...