Saturday, June 27, 2009

Conversation with Jesus

I try, truly try, to make Jesus real for Lucas. I explain that Jesus can always hear him, even way up there in heaven.
Sometimes the responses from these conversations can be rather poignant. "Jesus! Jesus!" he'll yell expecting a verbal response.
Several days ago, we were enjoying a coolish summer afternoon in the backyard. Where we live, we usually catch any and all breezes. I thoroughly enjoy that- one of many reasons we choose to buy our house.
Lucas wasn't appreciating the breeze. "when I go up to heaven, I'm gonna tell Jesus to turn off the wind at our house!" he declared emphatically. "Oh, and how will He do that?" I replied. " With the handle."
I love 3 year old logic. Its so sweet and simple.


Anonymous said...

Sounds logical to me. What a treasure these posts are Rachel. I just love them. ac