Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lucas' stories

This morning Lucas was nibbling animal crackers ( thank you Auntie Jen). He had eaten a lion. When he very seriously informed me that the horse was going to play with the lion. I asked him how that was going to happen. He said that he was going to eat it and then they were going to run around in his tummy. He emphasized that by running in circles in the living room. "The lion is growling, roar!", he exclaimed. What an imagination!
While eating his breakfast later, he stated that the food would give him gas. Oh, great! He think my food gives him gas? Upon further questioning, he said it gave him the gas so he could run around all day. Whew! At least he didn't mean the air gas!


Anonymous said...

Isn't it a blast to watch the little mind develop?
What a hoot!!! Love it!! :) ac

Shana said...

HA HA HA HA HA!! Love the gas comment :)